
Photos from Italy - amici a quattro zampe

More Italian pictures, this time with an animal theme.

There are three cats in my parents' home, but I only managed to capture one on camera, the bold and curious Peppino. He was a bit scared of Rajiv, but not scared enough to run away, so he kept at a safe distance studying our little one. The interest of course was mutual.

(Here you can also see my sister and my grandmother.)

Next, dogs. In the first picture we are at the apartment of Emiliano's father and you can see Emiliano, his sister Martina and the little supercute Babette.

In the next picture we are again at my parents house and Rajiv is cautiously making contact with Lollo, which is in fact the only animal towards which he has shown a certain fear...


Photos from Italy - family picture

Ho un sacco di fotografie della nostra vacanza in Italia da condividere con voi. Comincio con questa perche' credo sia l'unica foto di famiglia che abbiamo, dovremo rimediare appena possibile! Siamo - ovviamente - in Piazza S. Carlo e la foto e' stata scattata da Emiliano (a proposito, grazie Emiliano per aver quasi completamentte evitato la gru in alto a destra).

I have a long queue of photos from Italy to show. I start from this one because if I am not mistaken it is the only family picture we have so far. We are in Piazza S. Carlo in Torino (S's parents might remember the place) and the picture was taken by our friend Emiliano. In case you can't see him, look for little one in my backpack :) .


Back to Canada

We just reached home. S. should be in Bombay by now and will reach Madras tomorrow.


First step

Just one single step - to the side, sliding first with a foot and then bringing the second foot to meet the first - like a ballerina. He is always quite graceful with his movements.

Another progress is that now he is able to stand up from squatting without holding on to anything. Yesterday he repeated the exercise a few times - up, down, up, down,... - in front of his speechless parents.


Ten months and three teeth

I haven't had much time for blogging since we reached Italy, but I couldn't let little one's birthday pass without notice. He is now ten months old and the most recent milestone is biting: yesterday morning he left his first little - but deep - mark on mommy's finger. Lots of fun ahead...

He still seems to have some teething pain every now and then, but three teeth are out, or at least part of them. In fact if you could magnify one of the pictures below you could see them.

These photos were taken yesterday afternoon by dad while mom was browsing the children section of a bookstore (one of my favorite activities of late). For those who know the city, the marble floor is the one of Galleria S. Federico.


And after all that work, time to relax

Here you get a glimpse at our bed-time routine.


Long distance relationship - but not for long!

Rajiv e suo papa' chiacchierano su Skype
in attesa di rivedersi tra pochi giorni.

Rajiv and his dad chat on Skype.
Amazing power of communication technologies!

New Firsts

Un po' di prime volte di questa settimana:

A few firsts of the past week:

  • Rajiv ha aperto e sfogliato un libro da solo e di sua iniziativa per la prima volta. I genitori, famosi topi di biblioteca, sono orgogliosissimi! Il libro in questione era un libro cartonato con fotografie di bimbi e dettagli di varie parti del corpo.

    Rajiv has opened a book and turned the pages himself for the first time. The parents, world-famous bookworms, are extremely proud. The book was the DK My First Body Board Book, with photos of babies and details of various body parts.

  • Direi che possiamo ufficialmente dichiarare spuntato il primo dentino. Toccando la gengive si sente chiaramente che la punta e' uscita (si sente anche quando mi mordicchia le mani...).

    I think this time we can safely say that the first tooth has come out. I have been able to feel the tip with my fingers for a couple of days now.

  • Rajiv ha indossato tutti i suoi vestiti, compreso il cappotto da inpiedi invece che sdraiato per la prima volta. Con l'aiuto della mamma, ovviamente...

    Rajiv had all his clothes, including the coat, put on while standing instead of on his back for the first time.

  • Dopo averle fatto la posta per parecchie settimane Rajiv e' fnalmente riuscito a trascinare per terra la macchina fotografica della mamma. Speriamo che funzioni ancora, per il momento non ho avuto il coraggio di controllare...

    After weeks of failed attempts Rajiv has finally managed to drag mommy's camera to the floor. Let's hope it still works, I haven't found the courage to check yet...

Ci sono sicuramente altre cose, se mi vengono in mente le aggiungo dopo.

There are certainly more things, if they come to my mind I will add them later.

The chase - this is a good one I think

Here you can see what I have to deal with every time I try to take a picture of Appu.


More pictures

Appu with his new favorite toy, the baby comb. Thankfully he likes to chew on it, otherwise it would have been a really useless purchase. Please note also his new smashing diaper cover!

And here another picture of Appu, also known as The Happy Crawler. I really like these two photos, I had a good shooting session.


So you see, he doesn't ALWAYS smile

Questa foto e' di qualche giorno fa. This is from a few days ago.

Traveling soon again

We will go to Italy next week, from the 13th to the 27th. We will meet S. there and we are all looking forward to it. Stay tuned for the pictures!

Ok, so maybe I was too optimistic...

Rajiv is only now really getting better, although he still has a nasty cough that sometimes keeps him up at night. The tooth has gone back in (!!), but at daycare the "experts" response is "it's normal". Uhm... Anyway, the gums are really swollen, so they'll have to come out soon, there is no choice.

Rajiv ci ha messo un po' piu' del previsto a riprendersi. Ha ancora la tosse che a volte non lo lascia dormire, ma direi che finalmente si nota un miglioramento. Il dentino sembrerebbe essere rientrato (e' normale, a quanto pare, boh...), ma non potra' stare nascosto a lungo ormai.

peanut progress

pregnancy week by week