

We are in Italy visiting Appu's grandparents. Unfortunately we no longer have an internet connection at home, so this will probably be the only post until we go back to Canada next Sunday.

Our friend Emiliano got married on Thursday, it was a very nice ceremony and Appu was admired by most people present. Of course, the parents almost collapsed with exhaustion trying to keep up with him while he was running around like an energizer bunny. More details and pictures will follow.



Ieri Rajiv ha ricevuto il suo primo taglio di capelli. La prima foto e' stata scattata in uficio poche ore prima dell'ora X e i riccioli sono ancora visibili. Il salone dove siamo andati e' specializzato in bambini e Appu si e' divertito un sacco: per il taglio e' stato seduto in una sedia-macchinina con un bel volante da far girare e davanti a lui c'era uno schermo con dei cartoni animati.

E' andato tutto liscio quasi fino all'ultimo, quando Appu ha cominciato a voler scendere dalla sedia. Ma ormai era quasi fatta ed e' bastato un po' di intrattenimento da parte dei genitori per permettere alla parrucchiera di completare l'opera! Alla fine Appu ha anche ricevuto un palloncino blu, del quale si e' completamente innamorato. Verso il fondo potete vedere il risultato finale, la sera a casa. Niente piu' riccioli... :( ...per un po'!

L'ultima foto non c'entra ma non potevo resistere al piccolo Appu nella scatola di plastica...

Appu with mom, already mourning the upcoming loss of the beloved curls...

We went to a place called "Cookie Cutters". They have chairs shaped like various vehicles - Appu got a green car - and they show videos while cutting the hair. It was much smoother than we had anticipated.

At the end Appu also got a blue balloon, that has been his joy ever since!

Here you can admire the final result, but no fear, the curls will be back! (mommy hopes...)

And for added cuteness, little Rajiv decided to sit in a plastic box. How could we not take this picture? :)

Yesterday night's picture, just like that...


Happiness is...

... being fed yogurt by your dad while wearing your new red shoes.

Happiness is also getting the yogurt all smeared on your face, of course...

..,but dad is quick with the napkins!

peanut progress

pregnancy week by week